
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Space Opera (and Future Posts)

The poem below is entitled 'Space Opera' and is a likely contender for being featured in "Myths to Believe In." Hope you enjoy this poem as always and would love to hear from you all. 
I'm thinking of writing a post based around marketing, my chosen career, most likely on the digital marketing aspect. In any case I'll post again soon and I thank you all once more for the views, clicks and enjoyment. 

Floating seamlessly between distant twinkles.
This vacuum expands with every blink of the eye.
Black, it awaits an eternity to die.

Filled with homes, most lying without residents.
A specialist life form needed to fit,
Their idiosyncratic, moving not static;
Celestial planets; environmentally lethargic.

Lifeless places.
Why be like this?
Why have so many creatures come to pass, live, roll around in the grass,
When upon rising to a pinnacle they be destroyed,
Feed fires of the cynical.

This body in space upon which we sit,
Changes throughout all of the generations, to pass.
It sits apathetic, while a little life resides upon it.
Relative to the rest we remain content.
Now let us think of the other 99%. 

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